Vista Home Premium -- "Need administrative privileges"
I'm not sure if this is the right forum (and I'd appreciate it if people don't waste my time by replying and telling me that I'm in the wrong forum) but I'm going to post here anyway.Basically, I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium and I have installed Photoshop CS2 - no problem. However, when I go to register the product online, I am greeted with the message: "An error has occured while trying to begin activation. Please make sure you have administrator privileges and try again.If you continue to experience this problem, try re-installing the application."I've done that, so many times. Re-installing just doesn't work. I know for certain I'm on an administrator account because my account is the only one on this computer. So could someone please help me, and tell me why this is happening?I've read things about Local Users and Groups, but when I search my computer -- nothing is to be found relating to this.Please help.
December 15th, 2007 1:33am

I am also experiencing this issue. Any help would be useful. Cheers, Lloyd
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December 17th, 2007 12:54am

Hi all, Thank you for the post. To resolve the issue, please try to launch the application with elevated privilege by performing the following steps: 1. Right-click the Photoshop execute file, and select Run as Administrator. 2. Try to register the program again. I performed a researched on this issue in the Adobe website and found that it may be a known issue. Thus, I suggest contacting Adobe for more information if the above steps cannot resolve the issue. For your reference, Ive listed the link of that Adobe KB article as below: Note: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet. Hope it helps. Sincerely, Joson Zhou Microsoft Online Community Support
December 18th, 2007 1:03pm

I can't install HP scanjet software - run as fails. Somethingcorrupted with the admin privileges on my PC build, and I don't want to restore to the original build. Any idea how to fix this?
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July 12th, 2009 6:10pm

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